Hello, I am Rahul verma

I am a web developer

Hello, I'm a student with a passion for "Web Developement". I believe in the power of lifelong learning, creativity and kindness. When I'm not coding, you can often find me reading, riding, or playing an instrument. I'm excited to connect with like-minded individuals and share experiences as we journey through life together.

About me

I am rahul verma web developer

Greetings, I'm Rahul verma. With 2 YEARS of experience in "web development", I've had the privilege of working on some big project. My expertise lies in coding and comunication, and I'm known for my dedication to work harder and smarter. When I'm not immersed in my work, I enjoy traveling and dancing. I'm committed to "A FullStack Web Developer", and I look forward to my Future.

Birthday : 28/11/2003

Age : 20

Email : rahulverma281202@gmail.com

Phone : (+91) 9956298858

Degree : Bsc computer Science

City : Greater Nodia

Freelincer : Avaible














2023(Oct) - 2023(Nov)

Internship at Tech-A-Intern

Hello Connection,
I am thrilled to announce that I have been selected as an intern at Tech-A-Intern, in their prestigious "Web Development and Designing" program! 🎉 This is a dream come true, and I can't wait to embark on this incredible learning journey with @Tech-A-Intern. Thank you all for your unwavering support throughout this journey! I can't wait to share my progress and experiences with you all.

2022 - 2023

As a Fresher

Hello! I'm a passionate and dedicated web development enthusiast. While I may be a fresher in the industry, I come armed with a burning desire to create exceptional digital experiences. I've spent countless hours self-learning and experimenting with various web technologies, from front-end frameworks like React to back-end technologies such as Node.js. I'm excited to bring my fresh perspective, creativity, and a strong commitment to quality to a web development role, where I can contribute to innovative projects and collaborate with a talented team."


2022 - 2025

Graduation in computer science

I pursued my undergraduate studies at "Galgotias University", which is situated in Greater Noida. I graduated with a "Bachelor of Science (BSC)" degree in "Computer Science" in the year 2022-2025. This educational experience was instrumental in shaping my knowledge and career aspirations, providing me with a solid foundation for the future.

2020 - 2022

12th degree

For my 12th-grade education, I attended "Hindu Inter College" in Zamania R.s. Ghazipur UP, where I focused on Science stream. This phase of my education was completed in 2022, preparing me for the next level of academic pursuit.

2018 - 2020

10th degree

I completed my 10th-grade education at "Amar Shahid Inter College", which is located in Zamania R.s. Ghazipur UP. This milestone was achieved in the academic year of 2019, marking a crucial step in my educational journey.


Frontant developer

Frontend development focuses on creating the user interface and user experience of a website or web application. Frontend developers work with technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and build the visible and interactive elements that users see and interact with on a website.

Backend developer

Backend development deals with the server-side of web applications. Backend developers are responsible for managing databases, server logic, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the application. They work with languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP to create the server-side functionality.

Full Stack web developer

A full stack developer is skilled in both frontend and backend development. They have expertise in a wide range of technologies, allowing them to build and maintain entire web applications, from the user interface to the server-side logic. Full stack developers often work on the "full stack" of technologies required for web development.


UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design are crucial for creating intuitive and user-friendly web interfaces. UI designers focus on the visual aspects, while UX designers concentrate on the overall user journey, ensuring that websites are easy to navigate and provide a positive user experience.

Web design

Web designing is the art of creating visually appealing and user-friendly website layouts. Web designers use tools like Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or Figma to design the look and feel of a website. They focus on aspects such as color schemes, typography, and the overall aesthetics of the site.

Web hosting

Web hosting is the service of providing storage and access to websites on the internet. Web hosting companies maintain servers that store website files and make them accessible to users worldwide. Users can rent server space from hosting providers to make their websites available online.


My last projects

To see my all projects you should visit my LinkedIn Profile OR Github Profile

Contact Me

Have You Any Question ?


Call me on

+91 9956298858


Greater Nodia